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Kamut Bread Recipe And Other Information

by Muhammad Nabeel
Kamut Bread Recipe And Other Information

When you hear Kamut Bread the first thing that comes to your mind may be that it is just normal bread. Let me tell you if that’s true or if is there something else to know.

Flour is most important in making bread same goes for Kamut Bread. If you want Kamut flour or you need to know about it then keep reading.

Kamut Bread

My goal when experimenting with Kamut wheat was to see how the dough performed with different ratios of whole wheat Kamut flour and breadcrumbs. However, we recommend 40% whole wheat flour, which has a good nutritional balance of fluffy open bread crumbs and whole wheat flour. The printable recipe photo for Cut Slices on Plate is 40% Whole Wheat Kamut Loaf.

Here Are Some of my Observations About Kamut Bread

The whole wheat Kamut loaf had a crispy crust and a dense, beautiful golden brown soft crumb. The dough needed a lot of water to absorb the flour, but after several hours of fermentation, the dough was very damp. Despite my best efforts to shape it, I almost spilled it on the proofer, so I decided to leave it in the fridge to harden the boule for the eventual transfer to the Dutch oven. In particular, I used the All Purpose Flour Starter.

That is, a small percentage (7%) of the flour was not Kamut. The 40% whole wheat Kamut bread was fluffy, the crumbs relatively open, and surprisingly light in color. Compared to whole wheat, the dough needed less moisture and was more elastic when shaped, but was still easy to transfer from the proofing basket to the dutch oven.

Here Are Some of my Observations About Kamut Bread

The crumbs were more open than the 40%, making them easier to handle, shape and move. I don’t think this bread is dramatically different from 40% whole grain bread. Sure, there were a few big holes, especially around the edges of the bread, but overall it was similar.

The photo gallery below shows his three versions of bulk leavening, baked balls, and the end of the crumb. shows each of the After fermentation, we find that whole wheat dough has a very different texture than when bread crumbs are used. It has a rough appearance, with bubbles bursting instead of forming.

Another experiment you can do is compare Brottopia whole wheat to wheat using only Kamut wheat. Screwed vs. “White” Kamut.

About Kamut / Khorasan Wheat

Kamut flour is made up of Kamut Grain.

Khorasan is a large grain wheat that contains more proteins, fats, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals than modern wheat. Originating in the Fertile Crescent, Khorasan is thought to be a distant relative of Durum, but unlike Durum, Khorasan has not been widely cultivated over the last few thousand years.

Khorasan was introduced to the United States in 1949 when an aviator sent the grain to his father, a farmer in Montana, who cultivated it on a small scale. In 1977, two other Montana farmers, father and son Bob and Mack Quinn sourced Khorasan grains and started a larger-scale project to meet the growing public interest in nutrition and ancient grains. I started growing wheat.

About Kamut / Khorasan Wheat

In 1990, the Quinns registered their Khorasan wheat under the trade name Kamut. It is a protected cultivar that does not hybridize, remains organic, and meets specific nutritional characteristics.

Kamut is known for its smooth texture and nutty, buttery flavor. Although gluten is present, some consider it more digestible than regular wheat. This small study shows that Kamut improves metabolism, lipids, antioxidants, and blood inflammation profiles compared to regular wheat. It shows that it is possible.

Kamut Bread Recipe

Have you ever heard of Kamut flour? If so, you are definitely looking for great bread here. You’ve come to the right place! I have been working hard to make a recipe similar to the original bread recipe with Kamut flour at home with amazing results. As they say, “This bread is even better than your original wheat bread.” Let’s call it Kamut Beard!

There are other Kamut Recipes you can try like Kamut Pasta Recipe.

Kamut Bread Ingredients

  • 2 tbsp active dry yeast
  • 3 cups warm water (105-115°)
  • ⅔ cup honey, divided
  • 7 cups White Kamut flour*, divided
  • 3 ½ tbsp melted butter or olive oil
  • 1 tbsp French gray coarse salt

How to Make Kamut Bread

First, prepare the sponge. In a large bowl, combine yeast, warm water, 1/3 cup honey, and 4 cups flour. Stir with a wooden spoon or dough hook until well combined. Cover with plastic (spray with cooking spray). Let rise in a warm, well-ventilated place for 20-30 minutes (until doubled in size).

Add 2.5 cups flour, 1/3 cup honey, melted butter or olive oil, and salt. Mix well. Knead for at least 5 minutes. If the dough is too sticky, add the last ½ cup of flour, 1 tablespoon at a time. Grease the bowl with cooking spray or olive oil. Place the dough in a bowl, turn over, and cover it with a thin dishcloth or plastic sprayed with cooking spray. Let rise in a warm, well-ventilated place for 30 minutes (until doubled in volume).


Preheat oven to 400º. Liberally spray the pan with cooking spray. Six 6 x 3½-inch mini pans (or similar), three 8 ½ x 5-inch pans, or two 9 x 5 ¾-inch pans. Flick down to remove air bubbles. Spread evenly and pour into a greased frying pan. Cover with a thin tea towel. double it. (If a dent remains after poking the corner, it is ready.)

When the batter is ready, put the skillet in the oven. Lower the temperature to 350º and bake the bread. 30 minutes for large, 25-30 minutes for medium, and 17-18 minutes for mini. When the bottom of the pan turns light brown, it’s done. Tilt the hot pot so that you can see the bottom. Do not overbake or brown this bread. Be careful as each oven is different. Once baked, immediately flip the bread pan over.

Place pan on cooling rack until completely cool. Butter the bread if you like. If you put it in a loaf of bread or a freezer bag and freeze it, you can save it for about 3 months. The bread can be kept on the counter for a week and does not need to be refrigerated.

Troubleshooting And Tips

Bread has shrunk: The bread has risen too much before being placed in the oven, causing it to fall off.

Page Blown: You haven’t been given enough time to stand up.

Hole in the middle: The bread may have risen too quickly. It was too warm when I got up. The yeast never got a chance to fully activate itself. Large air bubbles form in the dough.

Seemed a little dry: possibly scalloped. I put too much flour in the kneading.

The weather has a big impact on bread making. Some days you need less flour, some days you need a little more. In most cases, the specified amount of flour will work just fine. Whole grain Kamut bread did not rise as well.

Tip: If you have an emergency and need to stop the second fermentation, put the covered dough in the refrigerator. When you’re ready to shape your bread, let the dough come to room temperature. Ferment and bake according to instructions.


Replace white Kamut flour with whole-grain Kamut flour.


Batter Benefits: Bread stays fresh longer. This light fermentation helps break down gluten, making it easier to digest.
You and your family will love the texture and taste of this bread. We have been eating it for almost 5 years! We feel healthier and feel a deeper connection with those who lived long ago.

Eating this wonderful thing really feeds us spiritually ancient grain. It radically changed everything in our lives! Once you start baking with this flour, it’s easy to use and you’ll want to keep using it for everything. This Kamut bread is a daily ritual of True and simple value.


What is Kamut bread?

Khorasan wheat, often called Kamut, is a grain that dates back to ancient Egyptian times. The grain has a sweet, nutty flavor that makes it a great addition to baked goods such as bread. Raw Kamut bread is made by mixing raw grains with oil and many other additives such as herbs and spices.

Is Kamut healthier than wheat?

Compared to regular wheat, Kamut has a significantly higher protein content (up to 40% more), more amino acids (up to 65% more), and is also rich in potassium, magnesium, selenium, zinc, and vitamin E. Kamut flour contributes to its excellent performance in recipes.

Can I eat Kamut every day?

Kamut wheat is safe to consume as food. Remember that Kamut contains gluten. Known to contain less gluten and be easier to digest than whole grains, but with severe gluten intolerance If you have celiac disease, you may want to avoid eating Kamut.


You can try this Kamut bread recipe and let me know how it went.

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