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Cranberry Juice Nutrition Facts

by Muhammad Nabeel
Published: Last Updated on 316 views
Cranberry Juice Nutrition Facts

Cranberry juice as indicated by its name is a juice of cranberry. Don’t let your hopes get down the remaining article will be more informative than this. So what exactly are cranberry juice and cranberry juice nutrition facts? Let’s take a look.

Cranberry and Cranberry Juice

Cranberry is a native fruit in North America and is of bright red color with a tart taste and varying uses. As It is clear from its name that cranberry is squeezed to get cranberry juice having sugar, water, and cranberry pulps.

Cranberry Juice Nutrition Facts

If you take one cup of cranberry juice unsweetened it will have the following nutrients

protein1 gram
fat0 grams
carbohydrates31 grams
fiber0 grams
sugar31 grams
Cranberry Juice Nutrition Facts

Along with that it also has a good amount of varying vitamins and minerals like

  • Vitamin B1
  • Vitamin B2
  • Vitamin B3
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin K
  • Folate
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Manganese
  • Potassium
  • Copper

A good amount of different antioxidants is also found in cranberry juice which are

  • Myricetin
  • Peonidin
  • Anthocyanins
  • Proanthocyanidins
  • Quercetin

Cranberry Juice Nutrition Facts And Benefits

Cranberry is packed with nutrients you name it and cranberry has it and so does cranberry juice. With so many nutrients one thing is for sure it has a lot of nutritional value and health benefits so without any further ado let’s take a quick look at what might be a very important and fruitful finding.

Cranberry Juice Nutrition Facts For Excellent Vitamin Source

As you have read already cranberry juice has a lot of different vitamins and having these vitamins has its own pros.

For example, if you look at Vitamin C it is a strong anti-oxidant and plays an important role in healing your body, protecting from free radicals to damage your cells. It also absorbs iron and improves the immune system.

Vitamin E is another important antioxidant and it is important for the health of the heart, blood vessels, and skin.

Cranberry Juice Nutrition Facts For Healthy Heart

Cranberry juice also has phytonutrients with anti-inflammation properties.

Inflammation over a period of time can damage your blood vessels including that of the heart also. Damaged blood vessels attract plaques which will cause the blocking of blood vessels and cause atherosclerosis.

Cranberry similarly reduces the hardness of blood vessels and also reduces cholesterol and blood pressure ensuring your heart health.

Cranberry Juice Nutrition Facts For Healthy Heart

Cranberry Juice Nutrition Facts For Improve Digestive System

Antioxidants in cranberry juice don’t allow a special type of bacteria named Helicobacter Pylori which can multiply in the stomach uncontrollably and causes ulcers. So cranberry juice reduces the chances of these ulcers and bacterial infections.

Cranberry Juice Nutrition Facts For Immune System Strength

Cranberry juice has a good amount of Vitamin C which helps your body`s immune system to function properly and protect against free radicals. Poor intake of vitamin C can be a reason for a compromised immune system.

Cranberry Juice Nutrition Facts For Urinary Tract Infections

One of the most famous benefits of cranberry juice is the treatment of urinary tract infections. Let me get this clear

to you about what is all the fuss about.

Cranberry juice has a special type of compound known as proanthocyanidins. These proanthocyanidins prevent urinary tract infections by stopping the bacteria to stick to the lining of the urinary tract.

When the attachment is minimized then the chances of bacteria growing and spreading also decrease.

But unfortunately, some studies say that cranberry juice is not effective in treating urinary tract infections whereas some studies support the theory.

Cranberry Juice Nutrition Facts For Post-Menopausal Health

After menopause, the risk of heart disease increase if you compare it with all other people of the same age group.

A study in 2013 suggested that having cranberry juice can decrease cholesterol which means it reduces the risk of heart problems.

Cranberry Juice Nutrition Facts Precautions

In Pregnancy And Breast Feeding

Cranberry juice is consumed in food. But there isn’t any study that shows if you can take a larger amount of cranberry juice in pregnancy or in the breastfeeding stage. So just to be safe don’t take large amounts of cranberry juice.

Kidney Stones

Cranberry juice contains a compound called oxalate and this oxalate I found in kidney stones. So if you have a history of kidney stones or any family member of yours has had kidney stones previously you might wanna be careful with cranberry juice.


Cranberry juice itself has sugar but sometimes added sugar is also present in cranberry juice. So if you are diabetic you should keep away from cranberry juice with added sugar or you can stick to cranberry juice with no extra sugar or else spiked blood sugar is waiting for you just around the corner.

Stomach Upset

Overeating or in this case, overdrinking anything isn’t good for you. If you consume too much cranberry juice it will cause diarrhea and also stomach upset.

Who wants an upset stomach? Not me.

Dental Health

Cranberry juice has a pH of 2.6. For those of you who don’t understand what pH is if it is lower than 7, it is acidic.

Being acidic means it can cause damage to your teeth.


Some of the frequently asked questions related to cranberry juice are addressed below

Is cranberry juice good for you?

Cranberry juice is packed with antioxidants and other nutrients. It promotes heart health, helps to keep a good digestive system, and prevents urinary tract infections.

How often should I drink cranberry juice?

Drinking a glass of cranberry juice daily increases your ability to fight against diseases and ailments.

What are the side effects of cranberry juice?

Stomach upset, kidney stones, and high sugar levels, dental health are some of the side effects cranberry juice can cause.

When should I drink cranberry juice?

Drinking a glass of cranberry juice without added sugar in the morning on an empty stomach not only helps you lose weight but also helps you to start your day on a healthier note.

Is cranberry juice high in sugar?

Cranberry juice has a tart taste and just like other fruits it also has a good amount of sugar.

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